Laputa Cosplay in desert island – Wakayama prefecture

I am so impressed that some Japanese cities are trying to invite more people by Cosplay events. They think Cosplay will bring more people and make the cities to be famous destinations for Cosplay. Now the role of Cosplay has been changing in Japan. There is a lot of great destinations who only few people knows.

Tomogashima, which is called Laputa island, and where is located between Awaji-island and Osaka bay becomes popular among cosplayers. The islands consist of four islands. According to Wakayama prefecture, nobody lives there. Some people go to there just only during sightseeing season. The islands were used for Japanese military land in Meiji-era. At that time over 600 military stayed there. Until end of 2nd World War finished, Civilian was prohibited to enter the islands. That’s why the islands keep the past landscape such as military remains.

The Tomogashima offers extraordinary experiences like Laputa: Castle in the Sky. If you’ve seen the movie, you could imagine the scenery so easily. When you go to the island, you can feel the Laputa. Some people says it looks like dungeon in Dragon Quest series.

Can you imagine if you can do cosplay and take photos there like Princess Sheeta and Paze?

Laputa Sheeta and Bazu


More Tomogashima pitcures

Original Article (only Japanese):

New Page: Links

I was asked to exchange links with people who have their own blog. It’s easy to swap links with ‘WordPress’ bloggers because we can simply follow each other. However people who run their blog not under WordPress could not exchange links each other.

Kindly one blogger suggests me to have a page for exchanging links.
Here is the new page for exchanging links especially for non-WordPress bloggers.

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